May 15, 2024
5:30 pm
May 15, 2024
8:00 pm
Broad Street Ministry Be Our Gest Gala
Be part of the next chapter in our story of compassion and connection. On May 15th, Broad Street Ministry is unveiling a transformation and we want you to be a part of this momentous occasion. Join us in celebrating our legacy of Radical Hospitality as we reveal our exciting evolution.

This year marks a pivotal moment as we reflect on the humble beginnings of Broad Street Ministry while looking ahead to a future where even more people feel welcomed by our ethos of Radical Hospitality. Our founding principles have instilled a sense of radical welcoming for any person - staff, guest, volunteer or otherwise - who walks through our doors at 315 South Broad Street.

As we gather for our annual gala, we are transitioning to a new identity. This decision was made thoughtfully, with the aim of using language that is inclusive of all people regardless of faith traditions and backgrounds. Our core tenet of Radical Hospitality remains unchanged, as do the vital resources and services we provide.

While our name evolves, our mission endures - to extend an open embrace to all who seek refuge, community, and compassion within our walls. Join us as we honor our roots, celebrate our present impact, and unveil an exciting new chapter dedicated to creating a more radically welcoming space.