Please join the Prison Society and host Jay Aronson to hear more about our work in the Commonwealth and exciting upcoming plans in Western PA.
Attendance is free, but we ask that you kindly RSVP by Monday, March 3 so that we can get an accurate head count.
We also welcome donations to offset the cost of the evening and further our work with the incarcerated people of Pennsylvania.
Started in 1787 by Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, and other of our nation's founders, the Prison Society’s mission for 237 years has been to protect the health, safety and dignity of people in Pennsylvania prisons and jails. Two hundred years ago, the Pennsylvania State Legislature designated the Prison Society as the Commonwealth's independent monitor of state and county correctional facilities, making it the only non-governmental organization in the country with unfettered access to people in custody. Today, the lingering aftermath of the pandemic, decades of mass incarceration, and renewed urgency to address systemic racism, mean the mission of the Prison Society has never been more important.
Learn more about our hosts, Jay Aronson and Trace Brewing.