How You Can Help
Our unique access gives us the ability to show the truest picture of what’s happening in Pennsylvania prisons and jails. We provide information that’s critical for the public, our elected representatives, and prison administrators to make informed decisions; decisions that safeguard the safety, health, and dignity of Pennsylvania communities and Pennsylvanians behind bars.
Help us hold power to account
Our advocacy efforts drive important conversations on prison conditions and frame the debate on over-incarceration. By increasing your understanding of what's happening behind prison walls and taking action with us, you can play an important role in helping people who are suffering needlessly by advancing prison reform.
We publish crucial information and updates on prison conditions. By shining a light on the closed worlds of prisons, we fill a significant information gap about what’s happening behind bars across Pennsylvania.
We research and raise issues to inform decision-makers in Pennsylvania. Supporting our advocacy work at the local and state levels allows us to replicate those efforts.