June 1, 2023


Announcing our new strategic plan and priorities
Welcome to the 2023-2027 Pennsylvania Prison Society Strategic Plan: Forward Together, a plan for growth and sustainability.
A white background with a blurry image of a person

The Prison Society Board of Directors has approved a new comprehensive strategic plan that will lead the our organization into our 237th year and beyond!

The plan—Forward Together: A Plan for Growth & Sustainability—prioritizes the expansion of our regional prison  oversight; enhancing programs for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people; and strengthening our data and information gathering capacity to build awareness of critical issues.

The plan is comprised of three priority areas, each with an overarching  goal:

  • Prison Monitoring - Expand and deepen the use of our one-of-a-kind access to provide multifaceted, proactive facility monitoring and to ensure that all people incarcerated in Pennsylvania can receive timely, high-quality assistance from the Society.
  • Family & Community Supports - Expand meaningful, state-wide programming to improve the well-being of people impacted by incarceration, reduce recidivism, and strengthen communities.
  • Data and Information, Education & Advancement - Harness our unique access to provide the transparency needed for an honest understanding of conditions in Pennsylvania’s county and state prisons. Through information gathering, communication, coalition building, and outreach we spark empathy and action that promotes the health, safety, and dignity of people living behind bars.

In order to include the community in our planning and progress tracking, we have released a beautiful summary of the plan online for download.